Friday, May 11, 2007


Incredible Opps for future Jewish MBA and MPA students

If you or anyone else you know that is interested in completing an MBA or MPA and might consider a career in the Jewish professional world - please let them know about this opportunity before the May 15th deadline.


Professional Leaders Project (PLP), a Jewish Initiative announces the dynamic expansion of its highly successful Academic Fellows program. Building on the first two outstanding classes currently enrolled in New York University, Brandeis University and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, PLP will choose a select cadre of entrepreneurial students with a deep passion for building Jewish community who will be entering the nation’s top 30 MBA and MPA programs in the Fall of 2007.

PLP Academic Fellows receive a full-tuition scholarship, additional stipend to access extraordinary professional development opportunities, supplemental Judaic studies, on-going personal mentoring and coaching, and active participation in PLP’s network of emerging Jewish leaders. Fellows must reflect the innovative "change-oriented" nature of PLP by agreeing to help continually shape the Academic Fellows program utilizing their past and current experience. Upon graduation, Fellows are proactively placed in executive-level positions within U.S.-based Jewish organizations and serve as mentors to future PLP participants. The Fellowship is only one PLP’s initiatives aimed at turning leadership over to the next generation in the Jewish community. Rolling admission but apply now to ensure your consideration! URL:


Amount of award:
PLP provides Academic Fellows with full tuition, plus a stipend of up to $3500 per year for specific, pre-approved professional development needs. In addition, we provide mentors, coaches, professional leadership training and proactive placement in executive positions in Jewish non-profit organizations upon graduation.

Candidates must be able to show demonstrated leadership skills, prowess, and creativity in developing and implementing solutions. They must be of strong character, entrepreneurial nature, have a deep passion for building Jewish community and seek to set new standards of excellence individually and as part of an organization or team.

Commitment and additional requirements
While in school, PLP Academic Fellows pursing an MBA must take part in an additional Judaic study requirement, including, but not limited to, a 3-week winter study session in Israel and a 7-week summer study session in Los Angeles. Tuition and the cost of flights for both components are fully funded by PLP. Fellows must reflect the innovative "change-oriented" nature of PLP by agreeing to help continually shape the Academic Fellows program utilizing their past and current experience. Fellows will be required to serve in highly substantial leadership roles in the American Jewish community (United States only) for a minimum of 3 years following completion of their degrees, and will be expected to participate in all official PLP offerings in a fully engaged manner and serve as mentors to future Academic Fellows and/or PLP Live Network participants.


Thursday, May 03, 2007


Want to Live and Work in Phnom Penh, Cambodia?

Here's an email I (Isaac) got from an Israeli young adult I met in Cambodia in December. He's looking for people to take over the work he and his partner were doing there. His name is Omry Revach and his email is -- email him if anyone you know is interested.

"I would like to update you shortly on last month's developments in Phnom Penh:

Ariella (my girlfriend) and I arranged picnics for volunteers, a website and an information center in my shop that in the backpackers area of Phnom Penh (picture attached).
At the same time Ariella and other Belgium friend, Virgine, continue the activities for KLC project (Kids Lake side Creations), this is a project that Ariella setup last June, the first project that enable backpackers to volunteer and contribute to the local children without a long time commitment.

You can see pictures and blog at

I was starting to develop my house (chakra house) to a healing center, even got an article in Asia life Phnom Penh Magazine (see link in but then, a month ago, while watching the Celestine Prophecy I decided to go back to Israel by the end of May, and by that to close a circle of 4 years outside of Israel. The same movie made Ariella decide that she wants to start learning in university this year.

…So, these days we are working to find someone to take over all our current responsibilities (KLC project, VolunteersCambodia website and my shop – Chakra visions), Ariella will continue her traveling for few month in India before she will start social work studies in Jerusalem."

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