Monday, November 06, 2006


Looking for Staff for Jewish Teenage Retreats

A message from good friend Danny Blum - who lives in the East Bay Moishe House:


Wish you could go to summer camp all year round? Need some extra cash? Want to make a difference in the lives of Bay Area teenagers?

We’ve got a job for you!

The Center for Jewish Living and Learning (CJLL) is hiring Midrasha retreat staff for this coming academic year. Jewish high school students from across the East Bay attend four Shabbat retreats over the course of the year to complement their weekly in-class learning.

We are seeking enthusiastic and hard-working individuals with a strong Jewish background and experience with teens to join our fantastic team. Prior camp or retreat experience preferred.

Staff must be able to commit to staffing all 4 retreats on at least one of the following tracks:

Etgar (9th grade) weekends

Dec 8 - 10

Feb 23 - 23

April 13 - 15

May 4 - 6


Kesher (10th-12th grade) weekends

Nov 17 - 19

Feb 2 - 4

March 16 - 18

April 27 - 29

The retreats are held at beautiful Camp Loma Mar, off highway 1 between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz. Retreats take place Friday afternoon from about 4 pm until Sunday at noon. Staff members are also compensated for attending a mandatory staff meeting before each retreat.

Staff must be age 21 or older.

Salary is competitive and based on experience and education.

Please send a resume and letter of interest to

Toba Strauss

Director of Youth Services

Center for Jewish Living and Learning

300 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610

phone: 510-839-2900 x234

fax: 510-839-3996

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