Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Lebowski makes cult classic debut

Wednesday movie nights continue to be a success. Last weeks showing of the Cohen brothers' 1998 tour de force and instant cult classic the Big Lebowski, confirmed our suspicion that people like movies, especially ones that go exceedingly well with cocktails. If you are as excited about the Big Lebowski as we are check out Lebowskifest which is coming up in LA in the first weekend in March.

This Wednesday's viewing of Alfonzo Arau's
Like Water for Chocolate promises to provide a delicious post Valentine's Day treat. As always the movie will start "promptly" at 8pm.

If you want to find out about up coming events you can get on our mailing list by sending a request email to or check out our new hotlink to our events calendar on this blog. We hope to update that calendar twice a month.

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