Sunday, January 04, 2009


Making a resolution... ari b from sf

New years is the time when people are concerned about what they're doing more than any other evening of the year, and it's usually a pretty fun night. And then as soon as it ends, people start talking about their resolutions. Whether it's working out more, or being kind, or anything, the most important part is keeping it to yourself. As soon as people start talking about what they're trying to accomplish, the resolution gets jinxed. I'm not gonna talk about mine, I think I'm just going to try and accomplish it. As for Moishe House, I think there should be an organization-wide resolution. I think all the members of the house should realize what an amazing opportunity Moishe House provides, and to appreciate the system while creating as great of a product for people coming to events as possible. But don't tell anyone...

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